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MMA electrodes

Aluminil Si5 welding electrodes E4043 - E Al 4043 (AlSi5)
Aluminil Si5 is a special coated aluminium electrode for welding, repairing and surfacing forged and

Basic 55 welding electrodes E7016 - E 38 3 W 12 H10
Basic 55 is a double coated basic-rutile electrode for all welding positions, except vertical down p

Basic Super welding electrodes Ø 5,0 x 450mm - E7018-1 - E 42 5 B 32 H5
Basic Super is a universal low hydrogen (HDM < 5 ml. / 100 gr. deposit weld metal) electrode for

BD 22 welding electrodes E7016 - E 42 2 B 12 H10
Basic electrode with double coating with a very stable arc.

BN 18 welding electrodes E7018-1 H4 - E 42 4 B 42 H5
Basic electrode with 110% efficiency.

Brown welding electrodes E6013 - E 42 0 RC 11
Brown is a fast freezing rutile coated electrode for all welding positions, especially vertical-down

Elga P43 welding electrodes Ø 3,2 x 350mm - E6013 - E 42 0 R 12
P 43 is a medium coated rutile electrode intended for welding light to medium sections in mild steel

Hardmelt 600 welding electrodes E6-UM-60 - E Fe8
Hardmelt 600 is a basic coated electrode for wear resistant surfacing parts of steel, cast steel and

Hilchrome 307R welding electrodes E307-16 - E 18 8 Mn R 12
Hilchrome 307R is a rutile basic coated electrode for joining dissimilar steels and difficult-to-wel

Hilchrome 308R welding electrodes E308L-17 - E 19 9 LR 32
Hilchrome 308R is a rutile coated electrode for welding low carbon 18Cr10Ni austenitic stainless ste

Hilchrome 309MoR welding electrodes E309LMo-17 - E 23 12 2 LR 32
Hilchrome 309MoR is a rutile coated electrode for joining similar and dissimilar steels, buffering,

Hilchrome 309R welding electrodes E309L-17 - E 23 12 LR 32
Hilchrome 309R is a rutile coated electrode for welding corrosion resistant and heat resistant CrNi